Wasatch Community Gardens Blog

Thank You with a Side of Soup

No matter how many hours of  time you've generously given to Wasatch Community Gardens in 2010, be it 30 minutes or 300 hours, we want to see your lovely face at our Annual Volunteer Banquet to say thank you! Come in costume (or not) and bring a friend (or just yourself) to the annual volunteer banquet on October 28th at 7:00pm at the First Unitarian Church on 596 S 1300 E. We will have prepared some amazing soups, an epic slide show and will have lots of fun (we always do, don't we?). If you didn't know already, it's due to your help that all of our events run smoothly, our programs are possible and our gardens are beautiful. Seriously! There is only so much a small staff of a humble non-profit can do, and with your help we are able to teach more, weed more, harvest more, empower more, and of course, celebrate more. Let us say thank you; see you there!

Before and After
Think Now About Doing a Winter Garden This Year


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