The Golden Tomato Society

“Wasatch Community Gardens is the model for partnerships in our community. Their programs bring together citizens throughout the valley to grow and eat healthy food together. What better way to build bridges and find common ground than through sharing the experience of growing food together and sharing the bounty. I want to keep my legacy local and am confident that Wasatch Community Gardens is the best investment I can make for the future.”
- Andrea Globokar, Founding Member of the Golden Tomato Society

The Golden Tomato Society is for donors planning a gift to Wasatch Community Gardens in their Will or Trust, or who have named Wasatch Community Gardens a Beneficiary of their Retirement Plan. By making a planned gift in your Trust or Will, you are investing in Wasatch Community Gardens’ future and the fulfillment of its mission for years to come.

IMG 2320When you let us know about your plans to make a bequest to WCG, we look forward to discussing the impact your legacy will have, enabling us to engage more deeply with community members through our programs in ways that celebrate our core values of inclusion, collaboration, joy and stewardship. With your help, we can realize our vision of a community where everyone values and has access to growing and eating healthy and delicious food for generations to come.

Please reach out to Hannah Whitney, Individual Giving Director, if you have questions about the Golden Tomato Society, or to share your plans with her. Hannah can be reached at 801.810.7238, or click here to contact her by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


FAQs about planning a gift for Wasatch Community Gardens

  • If you have not yet made plans for your estate, or need to review your plan, we encourage you to speak with your professional advisors.
  • When doing so, please consider including a gift to Wasatch Community Gardens in your Trust or Will, perhaps as a fixed amount, a percentage of your estate, or the residue (what is left once your family and other beneficiaries are taken care of).
  • Additionally, you may choose to designate Wasatch Community Gardens as the beneficiary of your Retirement Account at death, or a percentage, tax free. This is easily achieved through your investment company or retirement administrator.
  • This information is not intended as tax, legal or financial advice. Please consult your financial advisor or estate lawyer for information specific to your situation.