2019 Total Tomato Bundle


Our TOTAL TOMATO BUNDLE allows you to register for FOUR WORKSHOPS at a bundled (reduced) price:

  • Ready, Set, Tomato!  Tomato Lingo & Cultivating for Flavor, Saturday, February 9th, from 2 to 4pm (TURN Community Services)
  • Growing Great Tomatoes: Cultivating for Health and Productivity, Saturday, April 13th from 2 - 4pm (TURN Community Services)
  • Tomato Planting Tips and Tricks (Working Lab), Thursday, May 16th from 6  -8pm (Grateful Tomato Garden)
  • Tomato Pruning and Trellising (Working Lab), Wednesday, June 12th from 6 - 8pm (Grateful Tomato Garden)

Join us for our 4 tomato-related workshops and become a Total Tomato Pro!  This bundle of 4 classes includes two indoor presentations early in the season followed by two hands-on working labs in our teaching gardens.   

By registering for the TOTAL TOMATO BUNDLE instead of for the 4 workshops separately, you save 20% off the regular tuition of $70.  Cost for the bundle is $56. 

Tuition for the TOTAL TOMATO BUNDLE for eligible community gardeners is $16, a savings of 20% ($4) off the community gardener rate.

Scholarships not available for this reduced-price bundle.  Those wishing to apply for a scholarship should submit a scholarship application and register separately for the workshops. 

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