Hollow Tree Honey Presents: Bees, Soil and Wildlife Coexistence with Sara Red-Laird
Join Hollow Tree Honey at the Wasatch Community Gardens Campus for a presentation by Sarah Red-Laird, light refreshments, and an opportunity to roam the gardens and socialize!
Sarah (aka Bee Girl) envisions a future where kids frolic in pastures of flowers, buzzing with bees, alongside happy, healthy, ecological farmers and ranchers. Together with the Bee Girl Organization (BGO Hive), she is currently collaborating with 12 farms, ranches, and vineyards, encompassing over 50,000 acres in the American West to create this reality through their “Regenerative Bee Habitat” projects.
By regenerating soil through increasing plant diversity, incorporating animals, eliminating or reducing tillage, always leaving the soil covered (with plants), and leaving living roots in the soil, farmers, ranchers and vineyard managers are increasing rainfall infiltration and reducing soil erosion, sequestering carbon, and building life beneath the soil surface which increases nutrient density and flavor in our food.
As this movement jettisons ahead, Sarah wants to make sure that bees are completely considered. In this talk, she will share details on how her focus has transitioned to include not just beekeeping but also soil building, native bees, wildlife coexistence, why this is all so important, and how you can take part in her vision for the future.
The presentation will last one hour with time for questions after, and guests are invited to stroll the gardens and socialize following the event!