2023 Planting, Growing, and Tasting Great Garlic


Dreaming of a treasure trove of chunky heads of garlic but don't know how to choose varieties for planting?  Maybe you've tried growing garlic but your harvest was disappointing or the bulbs didn't last well in storage?  

Join us as we get our hands dirty planting a bed of garlic cloves in the teaching garden. We'll discuss different types of garlic (hardneck vs. softneck), soil preparation, irrigation, fertilization, scape harvesting, and more. When our beds are planted, we'll wash up and move inside into our Education Cottage to mingle as we sample different varieties of raw and roasted garlic, as well as locally made toum (garlic spread) from Laziz Kitchen and some other garlicky delights!  If the garden is still producing tomatoes, we'll enjoy those, too, paired with artisan bread.

Each student will get to take home one medium to large head (or an equivalent number of cloves) of locally-adapted seed garlic for planting.  After class has concluded, a limited amount of locally-grown seed garlic from Keep It Real Vegetables will be available for purchase.  Details on varieties and pricing will be available shortly before class.


Click here to register


Tasting Tray of raw garlic

Student breaking apart garlic head