2017 In-ground Vermicomposting: Worm Pit Site Visit

- Date
- Mar 11, 2017 7:00 am - 9:00 am
- Location
- Home of Jim French
- Register
- https://wasatchgardens.org/index.php?option=com_civicrm&task=civicrm/event/register&reset=1&id=682
We’re excited to be hosting three different composting classes in 2017.
On Saturday, March 11th from 2-4pm, we’re introducing a NEW workshop called, “In-ground Vermicomposting: Worm Pit Site Visit” taught by WCG supporter and permaculturist Jim French. This workshop will take place on Jim’s property, where we will observe and learn about the functioning worm pit that Jim built in his yard. Students will come away with a solid understanding of in-ground worm composting, as Jim explains topics such as site selection, construction considerations, worm pit covers, and bedding, as well as the composting process itself. Our super knowledgeable Green Team Farm Manager, James Loomis, who happens to be a composting and soil biology guru, will be on site that day with his famous microscope to show students the composting activity and various soil organisms at a microscopic level. This will be at held 1604 E Harvard (1125 S)
Salt Lake City, UT.
Then on Saturday, June 12th from 10-12, Kate Whitbeck returns as one of our most popular volunteer guest instructors to teach “Meet the Red Wigglers: Vermicomposting for Black Gold.” Students will learn all the basics of vermicomposting and have the opportunity to make and take home a completed worm bin with bedding and worms. Save this date, and check back later to register for Kate’s workshop!
On Saturday, July 15th from 10-12, is our “Composting: Turning Kitchen Scraps into Garden Gold” workshop. This class will cover local regulations as well all the basics of composting, including different styles of bins. Save the date, and check back later to sign up for this workshop!
Take one, two, or all three of our composting classes this year, and learn how to turn your garden waste and kitchen scraps into black gold!