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Farmers Of The World, Unite!

Farmers Of The World, Unite!
Source: https://ccafs.cgiar.org/2nd-international-conference-global-food-security Working within the urban agricultural bubble of Utah, it can be easy to forget that we are a part of a larger global shift toward sustainable food systems. So at the end of 2015, I visited Ithaca, New York, to explore the big picture by attending the 2nd Global Food Security Conference. Food security is a broad term used to describe a variety of barriers that may prevent people from eating healthily, including poverty, conflict, environmental degradation, or the lack of nutritous food options in one’s neighborhood. In addition to keynote presentations by leading food policy organizations and distinguished guests (such as MS Swaminathan, a leading plant breeder during agriculture’s “Green Revolution”), researchers presented on an array of topics, from the potential of biochar in Cameroon soils, to the production of edible larva from cow manure. Many presentations focused on the formidable challenges we face. For example: · Today,...
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