How long have I been gardening?
Up until last year, I didn't really garden outside of helping my mom plant flowers when I was younger. Now that my husband and I have a house with a big yard, we are slowly starting to plant multiple gardens. Last year we started small with some tomatoes, peppers, and herbs. I always have been great at spreading mulch though, as the attached picture shows (I'm in the orange shirt).
My favorite things to grow are...
My favorite thing we planted last year was the three varieties of heirloom tomatoes. This year, I'm excited to plant even more tomatoes. We will also plant some hot peppers so my husband can make his amazing hot sauce!
What the WCG Plant Sale means to me?
Volunteering at the WCG Plant Sale is what really prompted me to try growing my own food. It helped me realize the delicious benefits of eating fresh and local. With one successful garden under my belt (where all plants were bought at the WCG Plant Sale), I am empowered to expand our garden and try growing other local food.
If you are volunteering at the WCG Plant Sale, make sure to say hello to Becky - she will be checking in volunteers on Friday and Saturday.