My gardening career started with WCG in 2006. I was a youth educator, Americorps volunteer :) I loved growing and I never stopped. 9 years and counting. I love growing tomatoes, we have at least 20 different varieties growing every season! Some I grow for flavor, others just because I love their names like Black Seaman, and Clint Eastwoods Rowdy Red. One of my favorites for flavor is Dagma's Perfection. I also love growing flowers. Sweet peas and Dahlias are my favorite. This year I'm excited to try and grow some spices, like cumin in my garden.
The WCG plant sale is so great, because it's mutually beneficial! You can get all the plants your gardening, veggie-loving, veggie-eating heart desires, with the added support from a great organization like Wasatch Community Gardens that makes it possible for so many more people to grow and eat healthy, organic, local food! We literally eat veggies all year thanks to the plant sale. It's the best of all worlds. AND MAKE SURE TO JOIN MADDY AT THE WCG ANNUAL PLANT SALE - 5.9.15 8-1PM ROWLAND HALL ON GUARDSMAN WAY.