Urban Farm Transplant


To secure a permanent home for WCG’s Green Phoenix Farm to provide a stable foundation for our Job Training Program for women facing homelessness, and to provide services and resources that ensure greater food security for other members of our community who have been pushed to the margins.

WCG was required to leave the Green Phoenix Farm, location of our Job Training Program for women facing homelessness, due to the end of a temporary lease with Salt Lake City's Redevelopment Agency, and current construction of a multi-story mixed use building adjacent to the east side of the site. Our team, along with incredible partners and donors, tackled the short-term challenges of moving agricultural operations to a new site, The Wasatch Community Gardens’ City Farm on 1300 South.

Unique Partnership Preserves Forever Farm Hub

Uniting to preserve a community resource that supports increased local food security, Utah Open Lands and Wasatch Community Gardens announce the forever protection of an urban agricultural landscape through a conservation easement in west Salt Lake City. The groundbreaking project is the result of a unique and long-standing partnership between Utah Open Lands and Wasatch Community Gardens that ensures the future of one of Salt Lake City’s flourishing agrihoods. In total, approximately 2 acres of valuable regenerative agricultural practices and soil is now safeguarded from the threat of concrete. The existing structures and central new ‘barn’ will serve as Wasatch Community Gardens' new Farm Hub.

WCG Farm Hub - Digital Press Packet