Wasatch Community Gardens Blog

Making Calendula Oil - So simple!

IMG_2584 Making Calendula Oil that can be added to lotions, soaps, & salves is so simple!   Why?  Calendula applied to skin has been known to reduce pain and swelling, and treat poorly healing wounds and leg ulcers. It is also applied to the skin (used topically) for nosebleeds, varicose veins, and other inflammations.   (Of course, makes sure to consult a medical professional before applying Calendula to your skin, as we are not medical professionals.) (Source: see below) 

Take 25 non-chemically treated/organically grown Calendula blossoms


Pick the petals off (no need to wash) & stuff the petals in a jar

IMG_2586 IMG_2587
   Cover the petals with oil of choice.  I used olive oil.
Wait 1-2 weeks shaking periodically.


So simple, so organic, so local!

Medical treatment info found at: http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-235-calendula.aspx?activeingredientid=235&activeingredientname=calendula

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Comments 1

Guest - atkokosplace on Tuesday, 03 November 2015 08:58

Calendula oil is so very healing. This post is wonderful. ❀

Calendula oil is so very healing. This post is wonderful. ❀
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