Plot Scholarship Application

Para la solicitud en español, haga clic aquí.
For the application in Spanish, click here.

Scholarships covering 50% of your plot fee are considered on the basis of need and available funding. 

  • Only gardeners that meet the income level A-D categories in the community garden application will be considered for scholarships.
  • One scholarship request per household will be considered.
  • If the number of eligible households applying for scholarship funding exceeds available funds, recipients will be selected by lottery.
  • This scholarship application does not reserve a garden plot. 
  • If you are applying for a new garden plot, you must also fill out a Plot Application.
  • If you are a returning gardener renewing your plot, you must also fill out a Plot Registration (emailed to you) to reserve your plot. On your Plot Registration, select the "I will pay later by check" payment option. You will be contacted in January about the status of your scholarship application and how to complete payment for your plot.

Application Deadline: Scholarship applications are considered on a rolling basis, starting January 1st.

Are you already a member of one of our community gardens? If so, please indicate your garden in the field above, so we can make sure your scholarship application is associated with your existing membership.