Microfarm Application

Most people find that one or two of our garden plots is plenty for their household needs and capacity to grow. However, we do offer larger parcels comprising 3-8 plots, when available, as part of our Microfarm Program. The purpose of our Microfarm Program is to better utilize large community garden spaces where there is not enough current gardener demand to fill plots, and to provide land for individuals who have the interest and capacity to grow in larger gardening spaces on a temporary basis.

Please read our Garden Policies and Organic Standards before filling out this application, and make sure that community gardening is right for you. Our gardens are volunteer-run, and require the participation of everyone for a successful growing season. This includes participating in garden discussions, work days, and volunteer roles.

Applications are evaluated based on demonstrated ability to maintain a large growing space; proposed community benefit; and geographic proximity of applicants to gardens. Acceptance is also dependent on plot availability, which may change from year to year. 

  • Microfarm allotments are rented for one growing season. Renewal is subject to the renter meeting the terms of their agreement and the availability of space each year.
  • The first 2 plots are rented at the garden’s standard rate. Each additional plot is discounted by 20% of the standard rate.
  • Individuals renting space in more than one of our gardens are required to meet all garden requirements separately. For example, attending each garden’s mandatory meetings, completing 6 hours of garden service in each garden, etc.
  • Scholarships covering 50% of plot fee may be available, on the basis of need and available funding. To apply for a scholarship, please visit our Plot Scholarship Application.

If you have any questions, please contact our Community Garden Program Director, Cameron Silva, 801-871-8979, cameron@wasatchgardens.org. Thank you!

There is no cost to submit your microfarm application. Costs listed above will be due when you are offered a plot. To submit your garden application, Please complete the following information and click on the "Contribute" button at the bottom of the page.
Preferred Garden(s)
Huerto(s) Preferidos *
Total Amount
Microfarm Application

If you are planning to bring group members to the garden, you must submit a Group Waiver at the time of registration that includes signatures of all members of your group who will be gardening with you.

Do you have a medical condition that requires use of a wheelchair-accessible plot, or garden bed raised 3 feet above ground? (We will contact you only if an accessible plot becomes available.)

I have read WCG's Garden Policies, which include weeding and harvesting my plot and surrounding pathways, contributing six (6) hours of volunteer work outside of my plot per year, attending a one-time orientation, adherence to WCG Organic Standards, etc. I understand that failure to comply will result in the loss of my gardening privileges.

CONFIDENTIAL USE ONLY:     We collect the following demographic items for grant reporting purposes. This information is confidential and reported only in aggregate.

Click on the image to enlarge it.